Aeromedical evacuation (AME) is the best choice for a quick and relatively safe evacuation using air transport. Aero-medical evacuation (AME) has several limitations caused by environmental influences on human physiology. Learn about the tips for aeromedical evacuation in this article.
Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation
TMA can work well when a good support organization is in place. For more information, go to . Physicians advise referring medical facilities or hospitals that they must triage carefully and prepare patients thoroughly to ensure they survive airlift.
They must be able to identify high-risk conditions that represent contraindications for air transport, and must proactively intervene to ensure that these patients can survive.
Tactical MEA involves the transfer of surgical patients to higher-level, more secure hospitals. Patients are evaluated based on indications and contraindications. Light or medium-light aircraft are typically used for transport.
There are some contraindications to tactical MEA: critically injured, infectious diseases requiring quarantine, tuberculosis (depending on stage), shock, severe anemia (HB <10%), and acute ischemic heart disease.
Strategic Aeromedical Evacuation
Strategic AME is performed to remove casualties from operating rooms. One of its purposes is to reduce the workload to other work crews in the surgical stage. After careful screening, only those patients who really need further medical treatment are evacuated.
Contraindications to strategic MEA are: terminally ill patients who do not have a medically intervening condition, "no code" patients, "do not resuscitate" patients, and those in complete circulatory arrest at the referral facility who cannot be stabilized by infusion prior to transport.
For patients selected for strategic MEA, the status is revised from combat personnel to noncombat personnel. Large transport aircraft are typically used for strategic AMC.
Aeromedical evacuation (AME) is a rapid and relatively safe method of evacuating patients by air. There are several limitations to AME due to the influence of the environment on human physiology. However, AME can be very effective if organized appropriately.