Would you like to start a blog? Do you know that you can make money by creating and running a blog? If you don't know what a blog is, it's a type of website used to regularly or periodically publish personal or themed articles. Find out in this article how to create and monetize a blog.
Why create a blog?
There are a multitude of reasons to create your blog. One cannot create her latest blog, because you can run several blogs at once. You can create a blog to write articles on topics you are good at. It allows you to communicate and gain visibility. Moreover, a blog creates interactivity on your site and develops your self-confidence. Indeed, you can create a blog for yourself, your company, your association or your online shop. You have the opportunity to develop your skills and your creative spirit, but also to learn to organise yourself better and to enhance your expertise. In addition, you can earn money by running a blog.
How to create a blog
You can have a blog easily and for free or by paying. Creating a blog is not a matter of skill, experience or knowledge. First, you need to choose a blog topic and find a domain name. The domain name is still the one that will be displayed in the blog's url, so it is advisable not to choose a blog name other than that. Next, you need to choose a CMS and look for a hosting solution. After that, you can look for a better platform to create your blog. Among other platforms, you can find WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Wix. Now you have to choose a theme and feed your blog with content.